
How to deal with dates from Forms to Spreadsheets using Google Script

I have a Google Script that takes the input of a date of a Google Form field and I want to save the day, month and year separately. In particular, I want to change the month number to text i.e. 03 means March. That's why I use substring.

The critical part is here:

const cDay = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(0,2);
var cMonth = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(3,5);
const cYear = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(6,10);

If the user submits a day less than 10, then the code is broken.

How can we solve this problem not changing the format on the Google Spreadsheets file?

I couldn't find a way using if or switch statements.

More explanation

I tried with this code:

var cDay;
var cMonth;
var cYear;
if (e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(1,2) == '/') { // Days are 1,..,9
  cDay = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(0,1);
  cMonth = changeMonth(e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(2,4));
  cYear = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(5,9);
} else { // Days are 10,..,31
  cDay = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(0,2);
  cMonth = changeMonth(e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(3,5));
  cYear = e.namedValues['Date'][0].substring(6,10);

Function changeMonth:

function changeMonth(month) {
  switch (month) {
    case '01':
    case '1':
      cMonth = 'January';
    case '02':
    case '2':
      cMonth = 'February';
    case '03':
    case '3':
      cMonth = 'March';
    case '04':
    case '4':
      cMonth = 'April';
    case '05':
    case '5':
      cMonth = 'May';
    case '06':
    case '6':
      cMonth = 'June';
    case '07':
    case '7':
      cMonth = 'July';
    case '08':
    case '8':
      cMonth = 'August';
    case '09':
    case '9':
      cMonth = 'September';
    case '10':
      cMonth = 'October';
    case '11':
      cMonth = 'November';
    case '12':
      cMonth = 'December';

It seems the error occurs when I use replaceText:

body.replaceText('<<Day>>', cDay);
body.replaceText('<<Month>>', cMonth); // I get "Invalid argument: replacement"
body.replaceText('<<Year>>', cYear);

I found that a solution is to add String(...) to the parameters of replaceText so I have: body.replaceText(String('<<Month>>'), String(cMonth));.

However, when I see the results I get the correct day and year but the month is undefined. What can we do?


If the user submits 03/05/2000 on Forms, the output has to be: You have submitted the form on the 3º day of the month of May of the year 2000. Instead I have You have submitted the form on the 3º day of the month of undefined of the year 2000.


  • Instead of parsing the dates by yourself, you could use the JavaScript Date object to get the day, month and year.

    Note: this solution is applicable if the format of date is dd/mm/yyyy

    Try this:

    function formSubmit(e) {
      var dateStr = e.namedValues["Date"][0];
      var dateArr = dateStr.split("/");
      var newDate = dateArr[1]+"/"+dateArr[0]+"/"+dateArr[2];
      var date = new Date(newDate);
      var day = date.getDate();
      var month = date.getMonth();
      var year = date.getFullYear();
      const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
      "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
      Logger.log("You have submitted the form on the "+day+"º day of the month of "+monthNames[month]+" of the year "+year)


    enter image description here
