I am fascinated by the approach used in this blog post to traverse a rose tree a.k.a multiway tree a.k.a n-ary tree using CPS.
Here is my code, with type annotations removed and names changed, which I did while trying to understand the technique:
type 'a Tree = Node of 'a * 'a Tree list | Leaf of 'a
let rec reduce recCalls cont =
match recCalls with
| [] -> [] |> cont
| findMaxCall :: pendingCalls ->
findMaxCall (fun maxAtNode ->
reduce pendingCalls (fun maxVals -> maxAtNode :: maxVals |> cont))
let findMaxOf (roseTree : int Tree) =
let rec findMax tr cont =
match tr with
| Leaf i -> i |> cont
| Node (i, chld) ->
let recCalls = chld |> List.map findMax
reduce recCalls (fun maxVals -> List.max (i :: maxVals) |> cont)
findMax roseTree id
// test it
let FindMaxOfRoseTree =
let t = Node (1, [ Leaf 2; Leaf 3 ])
let maxOf = findMaxOf t //will be 3
My problem is, I find this approach hard to follow. The mutual recursion (assuming that's the right term) is really clever to my simpleton brain, but I get lost while trying to understand how it works, even when using simple examples and writing down steps manually etc.
I am in need of using CPS with Rose trees, and I'll be doing the kind of traversals that require a CPS, because just like this example, computing results based on my my tree nodes require that children of the nodes are computed first. In any case, I do like CPS and I'd like to improve my understanding of it.
So my question is: Is there an alternative way of implementing CPS on rose trees which I may manage to better follow understand? Is there a way to refactor the above code which may make it easier to follow (eliminating the mutual recursion?)
If there is a name for the above approach, or some resources/books I can read to understand it better, hints are also most welcome.
CPS can definitely be confusing, but there are some things you can do to simplify this code:
case from your type because it's redundant. A leaf is just a Node
with an empty list of children.First, let's define the continuation monad:
type ContinuationMonad() =
member __.Bind(m, f) = fun c -> m (fun a -> f a c)
member __.Return(x) = fun k -> k x
let cont = ContinuationMonad()
Using this builder, we can define a general-purpose CPS reduce
function that combines a list of "incomplete" computations into a single incomplete computation (where an incomplete computation is any function that takes a continuation of type 't -> 'u
and uses it to produce a value of type 'u
let rec reduce fs =
cont {
match fs with
| [] -> return []
| head :: tail ->
let! result = head
let! results = reduce tail
return result :: results
I think this is certainly clearer, but it might seem like magic. The key to understanding let! x = f
for this builder is that x
is the value passed to f
's implied continuation. This allows us to get rid of lots of lambdas and nested parens.
Now we're ready to work with rose trees. Here's the simplified type definition:
type 'a Tree = Node of 'a * 'a Tree list
let leaf a = Node (a, [])
Finding the maximum value in a tree now looks like this:
let rec findMax (Node (i, chld)) =
cont {
let! maxVals = chld |> List.map findMax |> reduce
return List.max (i :: maxVals)
Note that there's no mutual recursion here. Both reduce
and findMax
are self-recursive, but reduce
doesn't call findMax
and doesn't know anything about rose trees.
You can test the refactored code like this:
let t = Node (1, [ leaf 2; leaf 3 ])
findMax t (printfn "%A") // will be 3
For convenience, I created a gist containing all the code.