I am trying to get Julia 1.5.4 to work with VSCode but it doesn't. I don't understand why it's the case. I renewed the installation for each but the problem persists. This is my Preferences > Settings > Julia: Executable Path
This path does indeed exist. This is my settings.json:
"[julia]": {
"editor.quickSuggestions": true,
"editor.wordSeparators": "`~#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?"
"julia.executablePath": "/home/onur/julia-1.5.4/bin/julia"
Again. The path does exist. But each time I try to run my example code, this is what I get:
In your (Preferences > Settings > Julia: Executable Path), you should specify the path only, not the key-value pair. It's trying to find the executable at path ""julia.executablePath": "/home/onur/julia-1.5.4/bin/julia"". You want only the path. Ex. this is what it shows in my setup.