
Use JSX as view engine in Oak

I'm trying to create a simple html page with Deno and Oak.
As view engine I like to use JSX to generate the actual html.
Here is a simple example, but this fails because JSX is converted to React.createElement and React is not available.

But do I need to import the full React library now? Is that even possible?
(I don't need hooks)

import { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.5.0/mod.ts";
import page from "./page.jsx";

const app = new Application();

app.use((ctx) => {
  ctx.response.body = page();

await app.listen({ port: 8000 });


export default function() {


  • I solved it like this:


    export { Application } from "https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.5.0/mod.ts";
    export { h } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/preact";
    export { render } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/preact-render-to-string@v5.1.12";


    /** @jsx h */
    import {h} from './deps.ts';
    export default function () {
        return <div>TEST</div>

    The JSX pragma is to replace React with h (hyperscript).
    You can also use a tsconfig.json like below:

        "compilerOptions": {
            "jsxFactory": "h",

    You have to load it like this: deno run --config ./tsconfig.json ...


    import { Application, render } from "./deps.ts";
    import home from "./home.jsx";
    const app = new Application();
    const respond = function (ctx, vdom) {
      ctx.response.type = "html";
      ctx.response.body = render(vdom(), {}, {pretty: true});
    app.use((ctx) => {
      respond(ctx, home);
    await app.listen({ port: 8000 });

    Here is more information about using JSX in Deno.