
How to get txid after successful invoke operation | hyperledger fabric 2.x

In HLF 1.4 I can get transaction id after successful invoke operation. But In HLF 2.x I am not getting txid. I can see the data which I submitted to hlf in state database (couch db). Then why I am not getting txid. Here is last line in chaincode,

return shim.Success(nil)

submit transaction using node sdk.

result = await contract.submitTransaction(fcn, args);
console.log("Result:", result.toString())

The above line gives empty. Help me to get tx id.


  • Function submitTransaction has only 1 line of code:

    return this.createTransaction(name).submit(...args);

    So you can use this code instead of your code:

    const transaction = contract.createTransaction(fcn);
    const result = await transaction.submit(...args);
    console.log("Result:", result.toString())
    console.log("TxID:", transaction.getTransactionId());