When writing privileges and rights of a user shows error: 403 Forbidden
Controller code
class IndexController extends AdminController
public function __construct(){
if (Gate::denies('VIEW_ADMIN')) {
$this->template = env('THEME').'.admin.index';
AuthServiceProvider code
public function boot()
Gate::define('VIEW_ADMIN', function($user){
return $user->canDo('VIEW_ADMIN');
Model User code
The User
model is associated with the Roles
model, and the Roles
model is associated with the Permission
public function canDo($permission, $require = FALSE){
if (is_array($permission)) {
foreach ($this->roles as $role) {
foreach ($this->permissions as $permission) {
if (str_is($permission,$permission->name)) {
return true;
Your Gate
definition and registration appear to be fine, I suspect the error lies in your canDo
Ignoring the if(is_array($permission))
// does the user have any roles?
foreach ($this->roles as $role) {
foreach ($this->permissions as $permission) {
// what is str_is? It's not a PHP function
if (str_is($permission, $permission->name)) {
return true;
Check if the user
has any roles
, if they do not then canDo
will return empty and be considered false
Not sure what str_is
is? It's not a PHP function, did you mean something like strcasecmp
or maybe Str::is
I suspect there are no roles, as otherwise you wouldn't get a 403
, instead you would likely get a Call to undefined function str_is()