I am making an isometric game using python and the Tkinter library. I ran into a problem though when rendering my schematics to the screen. I can't seem to keep the transparent background even though the images (.png) are being stored as rgba in pil. When I save the images, as they are, just before being loaded; they still have a transparent background so it's something to do with the way I'm resizing the image. I have looked around and most answers to this that I have seen say to edit the pil plugin or aren't actually resizing the image. Is there a relatively simple way to resize an image and keep transparency that doesn't include messing around with the pil plugin??
My code:
def renderToTkCanvas(self, x_axis, y_axis, cv, block_width=50, block_height=50):
cur_schem = self._map_schematic.getSchematic()
cur_y = 0
for y in cur_schem:
cur_x = 0
for x in y:
if x != 0:
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(x.resize((block_width, block_height)))
cur_label = Label(image=image)
cv.create_window(x_axis + (block_width * cur_x), y_axis + (block_height * cur_y), window=cur_label, anchor="nw", tag="map")
cur_label.image = image
cur_x += 1
cur_y += 1
Schematic being used (1x4):
[[<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=1170x1240 at 0x12F5AFC9C10>], [<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=1170x1240 at 0x12F5AFC9C10>], [<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=1169x1240 at 0x12F5AFDED60>], [<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=1170x1240 at 0x12F5AFC9C10>]]
Thx for any help : )
Ok, so I managed to find the issue. The problem was not with the resizing but with the label as @jasonharper had stated. The working way is very unclean and creates unused labels to store the variable to prevent movement to the python garbage. I have tried with an array/list however it doesn't seem to work, that code is below. I don't see many people having this issue in the future because it's so small but I'll put the working code below as well.
Code using list that doesn't work:
def renderToTkCanvas(self, x_axis, y_axis, cv, block_width=50, block_height=50):
cur_schem = self._map_schematic.getSchematic()
img_matrix = []
cur_y = 0
for y in cur_schem:
cur_x = 0
for x in y:
if x != 0:
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=x.resize((block_width, block_height)))
cv.create_image(x_axis + (block_width * cur_x / 2), y_axis + (block_height * cur_y / 2), image=img_matrix[cur_y][cur_x], anchor="nw", tag="map")
cur_x += 1
cur_y += 1
Working code but very unclean:
def renderToTkCanvas(self, x_axis, y_axis, cv, block_width=50, block_height=50):
cur_schem = self._map_schematic.getSchematic()
cur_y = 0
for y in cur_schem:
cur_x = 0
for x in y:
if x != 0:
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=x.resize((block_width, block_height)))
cur_label = Label(image=image)
cv.create_image(x_axis + (block_width * cur_x / 2), y_axis + (block_height * cur_y / 2), image=image, anchor="nw", tag="map")
cur_label.image = image
del cur_label # attempt to clean up the code slightly
cur_x += 1
cur_y += 1
Thx for the help.