
U-SQL trying to Extract a list of ints from nested JSON object

I'm trying to extract the ErrorReasons, along with the State and Id from this structure

    "id": "abcGuid",
    "RegistrationStatus": {
        "State": 2,
        "ErrorReasons": [

I can extract the Id, RegistrationStatus, and State, however I'm struggling with getting the list of ints out of the ErrorReasons list.

My starting Extract

@result =
         [id] string
        ,[RegistrationStatus] string
    FROM @inputFileDaily
    USING new Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Json.JsonExtractor();

Then I pull out the State, and ErrorReasons into their own fields

@pre =
    SELECT JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(RegistrationStatus) ["State"] AS State,
           JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(RegistrationStatus) ["ErrorReasons"] AS ErrorReasons_data
    FROM @result;

@pre =
    SELECT State,
           JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(ErrorReasons_data).Values AS ErrorReasons_Array
    FROM @pre;

@CreateJSONTuple =
    SELECT State,
           JsonFunctions.JsonTuple(ErrorReasons)["0"] AS ErrorReason
    FROM @pre
         CROSS APPLY
        EXPLODE(ErrorReasons_Array) AS c(ErrorReasons);

This of course gets nothing, cause it's looking for the field "0" if I leave out the ["0"], then it complains about outputting a sqlmap<string,string> to csv. I've tried .Value, .Values, ["1"], [0], [1] .Values doesn't work for me either of course. I feel I'm really close, just missing a key operation to pull out the list of values from Error Reasons


  • with a little rubber ducking, and less over thinking it I figured it out,

    @CreateJSONTuple = 
           A.ErrorReason AS Reason
    FROM @pre
         CROSS APPLY
            EXPLODE (ErrorReasons_Array) AS A(ErrorReason);

    and having found the correct documentation to follow