
Handling large amounts of arbitrarily scheduled tasks in node

Premise: I have a calendar-like system that allows the creation/deletion of 'events' at a scheduled time in the future. The end goal is to perform an action (send message/reminder) prior to & at the start of the event. I've done a bit of searching & have narrowed down to what seems to be my two most viable choices

I'm not quite sure which will best suit my end goal though, and additionally, it feels like there must be some additional established ways to do things like this that I just don't have proper knowledge of, or that I'm entirely skipping over.

My questions:

This mainly stems from bree's use of node 'worker threads'. I'm very unfamiliar with this concept and concerned that since a 'worker thread' is spawned per every job, I could very quickly tie up all of my available threads and grind... something, to a halt. This, however, sounds somewhat silly & possibly wrong(possibly indicative of my complete lack of knowledge here), & thus, my question.

Thanks, Stark.


  • For a calendar-like system, it seems you could query your database to find all events occuring in the next hour, then create a setTimeout() for each one of those. Then, an hour later, do the same thing again. Then, upon any server restart, do the same thing again. You don't really need to worry about events that aren't imminent. They can just sit in the database until shortly before their time. You will just need an efficient way to query the database to find events that are imminent and user a timer for them.

    WorkerThreads are fairly heavy weight items in nodejs as they create a whole separate heap and a whole new instance of a V8 interpreter. You would definitely not want a separate WorkerThread for each event.

    I should add that timers in nodejs are very lightweight items and it is not problem to have lots of them. They are just stored in a sorted linked list and only the insertion of a new timer takes a little bit more time (to do an insertion sort as it is added to the list) as the list gets longer. There is no continuous run-time overhead because there are lots of timers. The event loop, then just checks the first item in the linked list to see if it's time yet for the next timer to fire. If so, it removes it from the head of the list and calls its callback. If not, it goes about the rest of the event loop work items and will check the first item in the list again the next through the event loop.