I am writing a few kong custom plugins in Lua. I am using Kong 2.3.3 and Lua 5.1.
I have some test cases (unit tests + integration tests) and i am running them with pongo run -coverage option. I have already installed luacov (and also cluacov, both with luarocks install) and all my tests are passing but no luacov files are being generated with coverage data. I am not running pongo from Docker, i have installed and configured it in my local machine (which is Linux Ubuntu 20.04).
I have already tried a few things as follows:
A quick way to do this is to modify pongo
Edit your pongo.sh file to:
cat luacov.report.out
locate where busted is called, line 959 for me:
"/bin/sh" "-c" "bin/busted --coverage --helper=bin/busted_helper.lua ${busted_params[*]} ${busted_files[*]};luacov;cat luacov.report.out"
Install luacov
, edit assets/Dockerfile
after busted installation add luacov:
&& luarocks install busted-htest \
&& luarocks install luacov \
pongo run
will give you
File Hits Missed Coverage
/kong-plugin/kong/plugins/myplugin/schema.lua 105 1 99.06%
/kong-plugin/spec/myplugin/01-schema_spec.lua 199 5 97.55%