Is possible that some can explain to me what's going on here. I completely new to flutter and dart programming and I have started a video tutorial on youtube which are using DDD architecture, but I guess the tutorial does not use the new version of flutter which comes with the null safety
feature and guess that could the reason why the test is not passing. I just did as in the tutorial and the only differences that I have are the class name and flutter and dart version.
Test output
The argument type 'Null' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'AccountType Function()'.
import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart' as matcher;
void main() {
group('AccountType', () {
test('Should return Failure when the value is empty', () {
// arrange
var accountType = AccountType.create('')
.fold((err) => err, (accountType) => accountType);
// assert
expect(accountType, matcher.TypeMatcher<Failure>());
test('Should create accountType when value is not empty', () {
// arrange
String str = 'sender';
AccountType accountType = AccountType.create(str).getOrElse(null); <--- Here where the test fails.
// assert
expect(accountType.value, 'sender');
class AccountType extends Equatable {
final String? value;
static Either<Failure, AccountType> create(String? value) {
if (value!.isEmpty) {
return Left(Failure('Account type can not be empty'));
} else {
return Right(AccountType._(value));
List<Object?> get props => [value];
class Failure {
final String? message;
With the null safety you don't really need to use the getOrElse or two separate functions Instead you could just convert your string into a nullable String by adding ? to it
String? str = 'sender';
AccountType accountType = AccountType.create(str)
Inside your function we can use null safety to check it and handle it appropriately within the function
static Either<Failure, AccountType> create(String? value) {
if (value?.isEmpty) {
return Left(Failure('Account type can not be empty'));
} else {
return Right(AccountType._(value));
is equal to
if(value != null && value.isEmpty) { return value.isEmpty } else { return null)
to check whether or not it's null we can use ??
value?.isEmpty ?? true
which means
if(isEmpty != null) { return isEmpty } else { return true }