I am looking for a simple way for to do real-time face detection and capture using open-cv and Picamera in Python. I figured out how to recognize the face from and image file, but I dont' know the rest. I am trying to have a real-time stream of video, and when a face is detected in that video, the camera takes a picture of the face. Is this possible using open-cv and Python? NOTE: there is a difference between face recognition and face detection. I am asking for help on how to detect the face and take a picture of it, not the recognition part. Thanks for any help!
my two cents are, if you have the original frame from the live video stream, and you can detect which frame has a face. Then can you just save that frame as a png or jpeg image file, no need to take any further image again? I know there can be situations where we need to take a new image, but just one solution I thought of is this.