
Not does not exclude query info

I have a really long query and I'm finding that my NOT is not excluding what's in parenthesis after the NOT.

I saw Exclude and where not exists, but I'd have to re-select for that, and there's too many complicatedly joined tables in what I selected already, plus one table is very big and takes a long time to select what I have already, so I can't re-select because it will make the query take too long. How do I get this exclusion to work?

INSERT INTO #UNeedingC(id, CASEID, firstname, lastname, userid, AGEOFNOTIFICATION, DATETIMEDECISIONMADE, DELEGATESYSTEM, Person_id, request_type_id, service_place_id, status_summary, externalUserId, subject, onDate, externalPersonId, externalSystemId) 
select distinct
 ,t_case.FIRSTNAME as first
 ,t_case.LASTNAME as last
 ,t_case.user_id as userid
 ,CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(dd, SC.status_change_date, GETDATE())) + ' Day(s) ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEDIFF(hh, SC.status_change_date, GETDATE()) % 24) + ' Hour(s) ' as [AGE OF NOTIFICATION]   
 ,SC.status_change_date AS [DATE TIME DECISION MADE]
 ,[ckoltp_sys].DBO.ckfn_GetStringLocaleValue(152,9,uc.delegate_system,50,0)  AS [DELEGATESYSTEM] 
 ,uc.request_type_id  ------
 ,c.tzix_id+' '+[ckoltp_sys].dbo.ckfn_GetStringLocaleValue(148,9,uc.status_summary,5,0)+' type' AS subject 
 ,dateadd(  hour,41,dateadd(day,0,datediff(d,0,sc.status_change_date)) )   AS onDate        
 ,emd.externalId externalPersonId 
 ,eou.system_id as externalSystemId
    #tempC t_case with (NOLOCK) 
    inner join dbo.org_case c with (nolock)  ON t_case.Person_id=c.Person_id
    INNER JOIN dbo.org_2_case uc with (NOLOCK) ON uc.case_id=c.id 
    inner JOIN dbo.ORG_LOS S WITH (NOLOCK) ON S.case_id =  UC.case_id 
    inner JOIN dbo.ORG_EXTENSION SC WITH (NOLOCK) ON SC.los_id= S.id 
    inner join dbo.org_user u with (NOLOCK) on u.id=t_case.user_id
    inner join dbo.org_person op with (NOLOCK) on op.id=c.Person_id
    inner JOIN dbo.u_person_concept_value MC ON MC.CID = op.cid --this is the slow table
    inner join dbo.EXTERNAL_ORG_USER_DATA eou with (NOLOCK) ON eou.org_user_id = t_case.user_id
    inner join dbo.EXTERNAL_person_DATA emd with (NOLOCK) ON emd.CID = op.cid --op.id --?
        DATEDIFF(day, SC.status_change_date , GETDATE()) <= 2 
        u.disable <> 1 
            ( --(denied/approved)
            dbo.ckfn_GetStringLocaleValue(148,9,uc.status_summary,5,0) = 'Denied' 
            (dbo.ckfn_GetStringLocaleValue(148,9,uc.status_summary,5,0) in( 'Fully Approved', 'Partially Approved')) 
                      ISNULL(uc.request_type_id,'') in( 12)     
                      AND DATEDIFF(month, SC.status_change_date , GETDATE()) <= 2    
                        ISNULL(uc.request_type_id,'') in( 10,11) 
                    -- --exclude this
                    --  (
                    --      MC.concept_id = '501620' --general val1 (1000/1001)
                    --      AND  
                    --      (C.ID in (select case_id from #CASES where str_value in ('1000','1001'))    
                    --      AND (uc.service_place_id = 31 OR uc.service_place_id = 32)) 
                    --  )    --not
                    --) --or
               (t_case.firstname not like '%external%' and t_case.lastname not like '%case manager%')

                    C.ID in (select case_id from #CASES where concept_id='501620')--MC.concept_id = '501620'
    --overall around AND (denied/approved)--
    and DBO.ckfn_GetStringLocaleValue(152,9,uc.delegate_system,50,0) in ('AP','CA')
    AND NOT --this not is not working...this appears in query results
                     --exclude these
                            MC.concept_id = '501620' 
                            (C.ID in (select case_id from #CASES where str_value in ('1000','1001'))
                            AND (uc.service_place_id = 31 OR uc.service_place_id = 32)) 
                        )    --not
                    )   --

select * from #UNeedingC

results show what is excluded:

    id         caseid  firstname   lastname   userid   ageofNotification  Datetimedecisionmade  DelegateSys  Person_id  request_type_id  service_place_id  status_summary  externalUserId  subject           
                    onDate            externalPersonId  externalSystemId  
    000256200  256200  Sree        Par        1234      0                 Apr 5                 CA  
4270000     11              31                3                sparee         000256200 Fully Approved tested Ad   2021-04-06 17:00  363000           2

My question: do you know why the NOT is not working and how I can get this to exclude without another select? See "this not is not working" comment. I searched online but only found exclude and where not exists, which require another select, which I don't want.


  • I think I figured it out: "NOT acts on one condition. To negate two or more conditions, repeat the NOT for each condition," from not on two things.

    This seems to work:

                         --exclude these
                                MC.concept_id = '501620' --general val1 (1000/1001)
                                (C.ID not in (select case_id from #CASES where str_value in ('1000','1001'))
                                AND (uc.service_place_id not in ('31','32'))) 
                            )    --not