I know there are some answers for similar question, but those seems for AES encryption only, and I got different result when I use python for key derivation.
Now I have passphrase and the salt (from encrypted file by OpenSSL previously using 3DES). I can simply calculate the key and iv by OpenSSL, but I want to implement the key derivation into my python.
This is from OpenSSL output and I believe I should get the same result after key derivation using python:
# openssl enc -des3 -pass pass:cfe4ec9fcec928d51d243855a094b05ebb7bc870 -S 3AA6A64F87764632 -P
iv =DE2CFC91DC61E734
I used this code into my python:
print("password is", password.hexdigest())
D1=hashlib.md5(password.digest() + openssl_salt).digest()
D2=hashlib.md5(D1 + password.digest() + openssl_salt).digest()
D3=hashlib.md5(D2 + password.digest() + openssl_salt).digest()
print ('salt:', openssl_salt.hex())
print ('key:', key.hex())
print ('iv:', iv.hex())
and here's my result, it's obviously different and the key/iv length is also wrong:
password is cfe4ec9fcec928d51d243855a094b05ebb7bc870
salt: 3aa6a64f87764632
key: 49096a6dca92f70c88e92a9d67062b8ae70223e432e23a4ee9abd3531d35e1aa
iv: 964f7299c4b960a1264863a23fbbf20b
I think maybe those codes are for AES key derivation, not for 3DES. Could anyone advise?
Looking at this post and the documentation for the KDF used by openssl enc
, it seems you are quite close to the solution.
is just encoded to bytes as ASCII text, not as a hex string.Putting it together:
>>> password = 'cfe4ec9fcec928d51d243855a094b05ebb7bc870'.encode()
>>> salt = bytes.fromhex('3AA6A64F87764632')
>>> d1 = hashlib.md5(password+salt)
>>> d2 = hashlib.md5(d1.digest()+password+salt)
>>> keymatter = d1.digest() + d2.digest()
>>> key = keymatter[:24].hex().upper()
>>> iv = keymatter[24:32].hex().upper()
>>> print(f'key: {key}\nIV: {iv}')
key: 6A8E552A81763B15EC9E1430FAB774C7B5113AFD89E6F03C
IV: DE2CFC91DC61E734