
Derive column after Applying Partition by

I have data as follows:

| Id | Weight | is_weight_faulty |
| A  |    100 |                1 |
| A  |     50 |                0 |
| A  |     10 |                0 |
| B  |    500 |                0 |
| B  |    200 |                0 |
| B  |     40 |                0 |
| C  |    100 |                0 |

I need to create a column correct weight which depends on two factors Id and value is_weight_faulty. First I will apply partition by Id and order by is_weight_faulty. If for any subset we find value 1 in column is_weight_faulty our correct weight would be Weight = Correct_Weight where is_weight_faulty = 1 and for remaining entries of that subset Correct_Weight would be 0.

If we look at first three rows for Id A Correct_Weight would equal 100 in 1st row while for next 2 rows it would be 0. For remaining cases Correct_Weight would equal Weight as there is no record of is_weight_faulty = 1 against each subset of data that we would get after applying partition by.

Desired Output

| Id | Weight | is_weight_faulty | Correct_Weight |
| A  |    100 |                1 |            100 |
| A  |     50 |                0 |              0 |
| A  |     10 |                0 |              0 |
| B  |    500 |                0 |            500 |
| B  |    200 |                0 |            200 |
| B  |     40 |                0 |             40 |
| C  |    100 |                0 |            100 |

I am unable to create cases that would make Correct_Weight 0 in case if there is an entry of is_weight_faulty = 1


  • You can use max()over() window function to find out the highest value of is_weight_correct column for each id. If it's 1 then multiply weight with is_weight_correct with the help of case when else statement.

    Schema and insert statements:

     create table mytable ( Id varchar(10), Weight int, is_weight_faulty int);
     insert into mytable values( 'A'  ,    100 ,                1 );
     insert into mytable values( 'A'  ,     50 ,                0 );
     insert into mytable values( 'A'  ,     10 ,                0 );
     insert into mytable values( 'B'  ,    500 ,                0 );
     insert into mytable values( 'B'  ,    200 ,                0 );
     insert into mytable values( 'B'  ,     40 ,                0 );
     insert into mytable values( 'C'  ,    100 ,                0 );


     select id, weight, is_weight_faulty, 
     (case when max(is_weight_faulty)over(partition by id)=1 then weight*is_weight_faulty else weight end) correct_weight
     from mytable


    id weight is_weight_faulty correct_weight
    A 100 1 100
    A 50 0 0
    A 10 0 0
    B 500 0 500
    B 200 0 200
    B 40 0 40
    C 100 0 100

    db<fiddle here