
Azure Data Factory 401 error when calling GET request on SharePoint online API

I am trying to move files between Azure Data Factory and SharePoint Online.

I have some test data files in a SharePoint location and I have a pipeline in Data factory containing a Web Activity and a Copy data activity. The copy activity then links to a Data Lake as its sink.

My desired outcome is for the Copy Data activity to be granted access to the SharePoint Online API and then proceed to move the retrieved data into the data lake. As is stands it has the bearer token but cant access the data through the SharePoint Online API.

I have followed the Microsoft guide here, including the prerequisites.

I am getting the following error in Data Factory: Error code 2200 "Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorInvalidCredentialToReadHttpFile,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The credential to read http file is invalid.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,''Type=System.Net.WebException,Message=The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.,Source=System,

The error is present on the Copy data activity (Which uses a HTTP linked service), not the web activity. Therefore I am successfully getting a bearer token which is passed to the Copy data activity, only to be denied.


I 've read that an alternative OData linked service in Data Factory is not possible using using basic authentication here. So I have tried this article using AAD service principal with cert, but had further problems trying to generate a certificate. Perhaps this is my best bet.

Most relevant posts I've used:

How to move sharepoint list or excel file to azure sql dw?

Azure Data Factory and SharePoint


  • So I found the solution to my question. Using an Azure Logic app to move the files from SharePoint Online to Azure storage.

    This was infinitely easier than using data factory and I wish someone told me that a while ago.

    Reference found here