
How to copy specific columns from one table to another in Tarantool

I have 2 tables, for example:

table X, columns:
 A integer
 B string
 C number

table X2, columns:
 A integer
 C number

how to copy contents of X to X2 (excluding the missing columns) in Tarantool?

tried, but didn't work:

(version used: 2.6.2)


  • What kind of error do you get? I don't have 2.6.2 at hand, but when I try on 2.7.0 everything works just fine:

    tarantool> \set language sql
    tarantool> \set delimiter ;
    tarantool> CREATE TABLE x (col1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, col2 VARCHAR(20), col3 INTEGER);
    tarantool> CREATE TABLE x2 (col1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, col2 INTEGER);
    tarantool> INSERT INTO x VALUES (1, 'a', 10), (2, 'b', 20), (3, 'c', 30);
    tarantool> SELECT * FROM x;
    - metadata:
      - name: COL1
        type: integer
      - name: COL2
        type: string
      - name: COL3
        type: integer
      - [1, 'a', 10]
      - [2, 'b', 20]
      - [3, 'c', 30]
    tarantool> SELECT * FROM x2;
    - metadata:
      - name: COL1
        type: integer
      - name: COL2
        type: integer
      rows: []
    tarantool> INSERT INTO x2 SELECT col1, col3 FROM x;
    tarantool> SELECT * FROM x2;
    - metadata:
      - name: COL1
        type: integer
      - name: COL2
        type: integer
      - [1, 10]
      - [2, 20]
      - [3, 30]