
AppCode PSI Plugin Development - Find reference protocol property

Having a protocol

protocol MyTest {
   var isCorrect: Bool { get }

And a class that implements the protocol

class Super: MyTest {
  var isCorrect: Bool = false

How can you find the declaration of the isCorrect property when in PSI mode? I do have a reference to SwiftVariableDeclaration when I'm analyzing the Super class, but I would like to get a reference to the actual declaration of the isCorrect inside the MyTest protocol.

I've tried SwiftVariableDeclaration.swiftSymbol but I'm not sure how to get a reference to the declaration.

Appreciate any hints into how to resolve it.


  • You already have the declaration of the property. What you're looking for is the declaration of its ancestors.


    (Note that a variable declaration can contain multiple variables, so you'll need to pick one.)