
How to resolve unwanted flickering of Controls when the Form has a background Image?

Overview of problem

I am facing this issue when I try to hide some Labels, TextBoxes and a Button: all these Control flicker as they hide but other Control that are not involved are fine. I do not want this effect.
Also, this doesn't happen for Show(), only happens for Hide().

Flickering effect while hiding labels

What I have tried:

Removing the background image resolved this problem but I do want my background image visible.
When I searched the Web, I learnt how to create this effect intentionally, however I could not find a solution to remove it.
Others stated that this is just a hardware limitation however I do have a capable CPU.

VB.NET Code:

Its just some <element>.Hide()s

Private Sub GetTaskNameButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles GetTaskNameButton.Click
    TasksCheckedListBox.Items.Add(TaskInputTextBox.Text + " >Time: " + TaskHoursBox.Text + "Hr " + TaskMinsBox.Text + "Min")
    TaskInputTextBox.Text = ""
    TaskHoursBox.Text = ""
    TaskMinsBox.Text = ""
End Sub


  • Nothing to do with CPU limitations. This is related to the rendering of the Background of a Form and the content of its child Controls.
    Read a description here: How to fix the flickering in User Controls.
    (but WS_EX_COMPOSITED won't help you here).

    Since you have some Controls that a combined functionality, you can build a UserControl to group the single Controls into a specialized entity that provide the functionality and contains all the logic required to perform this Task and notify when a choice has been made (all input values are validated and the submit Button is cliecked).

    To handle the transparency of this UserControl, you have to tweak its standard behavior a little bit, since just setting BackColor = Color.Transparent is not enough when you have a Form with a background Image: the Transparency would be simulated considering the Form's Background Color, not the content of the background Image (an Image is not a Color).

    You can make your UserControl actually transparent, preventing its background from being painted.

    When the Add Task Button is clicked, the UserControl can raise a public event, passing in a custom EventArgs object - after validation - the values entered.
    The Form can subscribe to this event and read the custom EventArgs Properties when the event is raised.

    This is how it looks like:

    UserControl Transparent

    The Image shown here has a size of 3840x2560 (it's freely downloadable from the Web).
    Try to resize the Form without double-buffering it :)

    A PasteBin of the complete UserControl, in case it's needed: Transparent UserControl

    Assuming the UserControl (AddNewTask) added to a Form is named AddNewTask1, you can add an event handler to its AddTaskClicked event, using the Designer or in code, in the Form Constructor:

    Public Class SomeForm
        Public Sub New()
            AddHandler AddNewTask1.AddTaskClicked, AddressOf OnTaskAdded
        End Sub
        Private Sub OnTaskAdded(sender As Object, e As AddNewTask.AddTaskEventArgs)
            Dim values As String = $"{e.TaskName}: Hours: {e.TaskHours}, Minutes: {e.TaskMinutes}"
        End Sub
    End Sub

    The AddNewTask UserControl:

    Public Class AddNewTask
        Private Const WS_EX_TRANSPARENT As Integer = &H20
        Private Const WS_CLIPCHILDREN As Integer = &H2000000
        Public Event AddTaskClicked As EventHandler(Of AddTaskEventArgs)
        Public Sub New()
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, False)
        End Sub
        Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams As CreateParams
                Dim cp As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams
                cp.Style = cp.Style And Not WS_CLIPCHILDREN
                cp.ExStyle = cp.ExStyle Or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
                Return cp
            End Get
        End Property
        Private Sub btnAddTask_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddTask.Click
            Dim hours As UInteger
            Dim sHours = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHours.Text.Trim()), "0", txtHours.Text)
            If (Not UInteger.TryParse(sHours, hours)) Then
                ShowInputErrorMessage("Invalid Hours", txtHours)
            End If
            Dim minutes As UInteger
            Dim sMinutes = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMinutes.Text.Trim()), "0", txtMinutes.Text)
            If (Not UInteger.TryParse(sMinutes, minutes)) Then
                ShowInputErrorMessage("Invalid Minutes", txtMinutes)
            End If
            Dim args = New AddTaskEventArgs(txtTaskName.Text, hours, minutes)
            RaiseEvent AddTaskClicked(Me, args)
            ActiveControl = txtTaskName
        End Sub
        Private Sub ShowInputErrorMessage(msg As String, ctrl As TextBox)
        End Sub
        Public Class AddTaskEventArgs
            Inherits EventArgs
            Public Sub New(sTaskName As String, hours As UInteger, minutes As UInteger)
                TaskName = sTaskName
                TaskHours = hours
                TaskMinutes = minutes
            End Sub
            Public ReadOnly Property TaskName As String
            Public ReadOnly Property TaskHours As UInteger
            Public ReadOnly Property TaskMinutes As UInteger
        End Class
    End Class