I have tried:
if message.channel.category.id == 774267322687815710:
if user.id == 415884831805931551:
await message.add_reaction("🔥")
I have tried this but seems like I cannot make it work for the message that is being sent by the user, it only fetches the user's id
You have to get the author of a message instead of just user.id
as you also have not defined user
Have a look at the following event instead:
@client.event / @bot.event / @commands.Cog.listener # Depends on what you use
async def on_message(message):
if message.channel.category.id == CategoryID:
if message.author.id == UserID: # Get the ID of the AUTHOR
await message.add_reaction("🔥") # If the ID is correct
return # If the ID is incorrect/does not match do nothing
You maybe also want to take a look at the docs