
WebsiteSpark and BizSpark : Which one ? Requirements?

I am a kind of freelancer owning a company but i am the only one in there, someone might join up this winter. I was concerning about WebsiteSpark and BizSpark. If i am developping somehow personal website and web application, web products for potential buyers and websites for future clients (this winter) Which program best fit me ?

Also what are the exact requirements and condition ? It is obligated to develop a website for a client within a time frame ?




    I'm leaving the below for archive purposes.

    Website Spark has been deprecated in 2013 so right now there's only BizSpark.


    I think you need WebsiteSpark. It's intended for web developers and web designers. Bizspark is for start-ups that focus on developing their own core product. But read MS pages thoroughly anyway to get a grasp of what exactly do you need in order to comply with these programs: