I want to make search box in google sheet.it should be work as slicer. Table of data need to filter using that search box.enter image description here
I want to create search box as this excel search box using Google sheet.
Here is what I've done:
You already did it in the picture so I'm not explaining how it's done. Simply define the filter in the sheet.
Before starting you need to note 2 things: the name of the sheet that has the search box, and the cell that does the search.
Then go to Tools
> Script editor
and paste the following code:
const SHEET_NAME = 'Sheet1'
const SEARCH_CELLS = ['E10', 'E11', null]
function onEdit(e) {
// Get edition range and sheet
const { range } = e
const sheet = range.getSheet()
// If we are not in the correct cell, return
if(sheet.getName() !== SHEET_NAME) return
// Get the filter to be able to control it
const filter = sheet.getFilter()
// Number of columns to check
const nCols = Math.min(SEARCH_CELLS.length, filter.getRange().getWidth())
for (let i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
// Get the cell as A1 notation
const cell = SEARCH_CELLS[i]
// Ignore column if it has no cell with the value
if (!cell) continue
// Get the range used to search
const searchRange = sheet.getRange(cell)
const row = searchRange.getRow()
const col = searchRange.getColumn()
// If the search cell was edited set the value
// This checks if the point (row, col) is in the box defined by the edited cells range
if(range.getRow() <= row && range.getLastRow() >= row && range.getColumn() <= col && range.getLastColumn() >= col) {
updateFilter(sheet, filter, i, searchRange.getValue())
function updateFilter(sheet, filter, columnOffset, value) {
// Get the range of the values of the filter
const filterRange = filter.getRange()
// Get the column that we are filtering
const column = filterRange.getColumn() + columnOffset
if (value) {
// Get all values except the selected value
// Change this to change the logic of what to hide
const hiddenValues = sheet.getRange(filterRange.getRow(), column, filterRange.getHeight(), 1)
.filter(v => v != value) // notice the non-strict equality
// Set the criteria to hide them all
const criteria = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria()
filter.setColumnFilterCriteria(column, criteria)
} else {
// If there is not value, hide nothing
Then change the constants on the top:
I tried adding comments explaining step by step but feel free to ask if something is not clear or confusing.
If you want a drop down on the search cell that autocompletes and allows you to select it, do this (simple) step.
Select the search cell and right click it. Go to Data validation
. In Criteria
select List from range
and add the range of all the values of the first column of the filter. Click Save
and you did it.