I am just learning to code in verilog. I want to XOR three variable in consecutive clock cycles. For example Z1 from 1st clock cycle ,Z2 from 2nd clock cycle and Z3 from 3rd clock cycle. How can I do that.
I have written something as below
always @ (posedge clk) begin
lamda = Y1;
#10 lamda = lamda^ Y2;
#10 lamda = lamda ^ Y3;
where clock is taken as always #5 clk=~clk
But it doesn't seem to work as expected. Can someone help me to fix it.
An important thing to keep in mind is # delays are only for simulation, and can't get synthesized. Therefore, you might want to switch to a counter to track which clock cycle you're on, and mux to select which input you're XORing. Something like this should work:
logic [1:0] counter; // counter resets to 0, counts up every clock cyle, and stops at 3
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset) begin
if (reset) counter <= 2'b00;
else counter <= (counter == 2'b11 ? counter : counter + 1);
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
case (counter)
2'b00: lambda <= lambda ^ Y1; // lambda gets (lambda xor Y1) on the rising edge of clk if counter is 0
2'b01: lambda <= lambda ^ Y2; // lambda gets (lambda xor Y2) on the rising edge of clk if counter is 1
2'b10: lambda <= lambda ^ Y3; // lambda gets (lambda xor Y3) on the rising edge of clk if counter is 2
default: lambda <= lambda ; // if anything else, lambda will just stay as lambda