
ObjectBox does not keep previous values after type migration

We had to migrate one of the field-params in an entity from long to BigDecimal. Migration is quite smooth but there is a problem; we want to keep previous values to be set to the migrated field. But as soon as ObjectBox is initialized it defaults migrated field to the default value of the current type, in our case, to null.

Say we had:

Id (long) Name
123 Random Name

After migration we got:

Id (String) Name
null Random Name

Is there any possible way to migrate without losing values on migrated fields?

A side note: I have used a converter to keep the BigDecimal values since ObjectBox doesn't support BigDecimal

Converter class:

public class BigIntegerStringConverter implements PropertyConverter<BigInteger, String> {
    public BigInteger convertToEntityProperty(String databaseValue) {
        return databaseValue == null ? null : new BigInteger(databaseValue);

    public String convertToDatabaseValue(BigInteger entityProperty) {
        return String.valueOf(entityProperty);


@Convert(converter = BigIntegerStringConverter.class, dbType = String.class)
BigInteger tigerId;


  • Unfortunately, type migration where old data is kept is not supported in ObjectBox.
