
Multiple tags for a Docker image built by Google Jib and Maven?

Using the jib-maven-plugin I'd like to build an image with mulitple tags. While mvn jib:build basically works fine, it "only" tags the image with latest.

My Maven pom.xml defines the following:


The docs show that one can use jib.to.tags in the XML to define a list of tags. However, I'd like to run the build step in a Jenkins pipeline, i.e. I cannot hard-code the tags in the pom.xml.

Is it possible to pass the list of tags when running the mvn command, e.g. by setting some -D parameters?


  • Use -Djib.to.tags=a,b,c.

    $ mvn package jib:build -Djib.to.tags=a,b,c
    [INFO] --- jib-maven-plugin:2.8.0:dockerBuild (default-cli) @ hello-spring-boot ---
    [INFO] Tagging image with generated image reference hello-spring-boot:0.1.0. If you'd like to specify a different tag, you can set the <to><image> parameter in your pom.xml, or use the -Dimage=<MY IMAGE> commandline flag.
    [INFO] Containerizing application to Docker daemon as hello-spring-boot:0.1.0, hello-spring-boot:a, hello-spring-boot:b, hello-spring-boot:c...
    [WARNING] Base image 'gcr.io/distroless/java:8' does not use a specific image digest - build may not be reproducible
    [INFO] Using base image with digest: sha256:34c3598d83f0dba27820323044ebe79e63ad4f137b405676da75a3905a408adf
    [INFO] Container entrypoint set to [java, -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom, -cp, /app/resources:/app/classes:/app/libs/*, hello.Application]
    [INFO] Built image to Docker daemon as hello-spring-boot:0.1.0, hello-spring-boot:a, hello-spring-boot:b, hello-spring-boot:c
    [INFO] A new version of Jib (3.0.0) is available (currently using 2.8.0). Update your build configuration to use the latest features and fixes!
    [INFO] https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib/blob/master/jib-maven-plugin/CHANGELOG.md
    [INFO] Please see https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib/blob/master/docs/privacy.md for info on disabling this update check.
    [INFO] Executing tasks:
    [INFO] [==============================] 100.0% complete
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