
How to setup HaxeFlixel VSCode Project Configuration on Ubuntu 20.04?

I've been having issues with the HaxeFlixel VSCode setup. I couldn't make the HashLink/Debug menu appear on VSCode, and I also couldn't do step 4 because when I put this command in my terminal:

 flixel configure C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\flixel-demos\git -ide vscode

I get this error:

Called from ? line 1
Called from FlxTools.hx line 136
Called from FlxTools.hx line 15
Called from a C function
Called from FlxTools.hx line 79
Called from massive/sys/cmd/CommandLineRunner.hx line 109
Called from massive/sys/cmd/CommandLineRunner.hx line 258
Called from commands/ConfigureCommand.hx line 31
Called from C:\Users\Jens\GitHub\haxe\std/neko/_std/sys/FileSystem.hx line 50
Uncaught exception - std@file_full_path

Can someone show me how to properly set it up for my operating system?

The directory I was using in my terminal:

Linux Directory Image

Tutorial I was using:


  • I fixed it by re-installing and re-doing the whole process. I'm not sure what the issue was but it's fixed now :).