select distinct patientID
from [dbo]..HPrecords
where ptprocess = 'refill'
and pTDescription <> 'Success'
and patientID is not null
and patiententrytime > '2021-04-06'
and patientID not in (
select distinct patientID
from [dbo]..HPrecords
where ptprocess = 'embossing'
and ptDescription = 'Success'
and patientID is not null
and patiententrytime > '2021-04-06'
So I want to use a NOT IN
feature in SQL to filter out the patients that haven't received their refill medication yet. A patient can be refilled multiple times, the first time can fail, but the second or third time it can be successful. So there can be multiple rows.
So I just want to write a query that will filter out and get me the patientID that DID NOT SUCCEED in getting refill at all no matter how many times.
Is this the best way to write it, my current query is still running, I think the logic is wrong?
I want to try to write this query without CTE or temp table just as an exercise.
Sample output:
I personally prefer joins above not-in. Looks neater, reads better and allows one to access information on both tables if you need to analyse anomalies. A colleague and I once did some very basic performance comparisons and there was no notable difference.
Here's my take on it..
select distinct hpr.patientID
from [dbo].HPrecords hpr
[dbo].HPrecords hpr_val ON
hpr.patientID = hpr_val.patientID
AND hpr_val.ptprocess = 'embossing'
AND hpr_val.ptDescription = 'Success'
and hpr_val.patiententrytime > '20`enter code here`21-04-06'
where hpr.ptprocess = 'refill'
and hpr.pTDescription <> 'Success'
--and hpr.patientID is not null -- Not necessary because you will always have records in this table in this scenario
and hpr.patiententrytime > '2021-04-06'
AND hpr_Val.PatietID IS NULL
And on the extra dot in between the schema and table name... As Smor pointed out it is not necessary (Might even break the query) and rather used when you do not want to reference the schema when pointing to a database and table.