from nptdms import TdmsFile as td
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import skimage.color
import skimage.filters
import mplcursors
from skimage.feature import corner_harris,corner_peaks
file = 'sample.tdms'
with as tdms_file:
img = tdms_file.as_dataframe()
cropped_list = []
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(sel, cmap='gray')
plotted_points =ax.plot(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0], color='cyan', marker='o',linestyle='None', markersize=2)
mplcursors.cursor(plotted_points, hover=True)
I tried using mplcursors. But nothing is shown on plot when mouse is hovered. The arrow is not showing any coordinates. I tried by just plotting points without image, still its not showing any coordinates.
[106 190] [205 167] 249 280] [ 80 301] [343 294] [207 151] [293 300] [ 30 298] [116 301] [290 261] [ 38 81] [295 316] [209 262] [210 285] [205 323] [282 244] [128 158] [255 26] [133 708] [213 243] [214 690] [ 62 241] [ 68 181] [254 692] [ 35 21] [ 74 318] [290 275] [284 178] [185 21] [207 107] [ 25 323] [331 88] [113 273] [157 293] [112 241] [164 323] [250 301] [137 20] [ 35 645] [284 484] [244 317] [ 27 26 9] [356 331] [356 25] [131 279] [206 296] [ 35 490] [139 85] [215 396] [116 150] [139 644] [338 305] [183 330] [140 488] [327 331] [357 550] [187 707] [260 705] [180 646] [282 552] [ 61 554] [113 485] [163 269] [114 642] [287 645] [281 287] [140 241] [327 181] [ 36 552] [242 263] [257 87] [ 52 18] [358 61] [110 397] [359 692] [139 176] [212 23] [140 332] [271 704] [254 359] [ 63 19] [ 37 396] [110 20] [ 65 82] [ 36 176] [211 706] [108 162] [ 65 397] [212 552] [ 62 645] [109 550] [256 240] [283 24] [185 552] [286 86] [186 242] [355 180] [141 550] [ 64 707] [283 704] [285 330] [257 398] [185 398] [285 398] [109 126] [356 89] [ 37 709] [ 64 331] [111 316] [ 35 334] [214 487] [328 241] [119 172] [212 88] [356 244] [253 332] [ 39 240] [328 27] [359 395] [ 77 266] [358 641] [211 642] [110 706] [181 151] [140 396] [110 332] [ 64 489] [182 486] [328 396] [254 485] [195 274] [256 549] [111 83] [328 639] [253 179] [339 270] [206 135] [325 488]] this is the coords array. So how can I save the coordiantes in a variable according to shape of image. Only rectangles in first row. My image is a series of rectangle shaped sensors. Thats why i tried to find the coordinates by mouse click.
mplcursors automatically create annotations with the x and y positions. Only when you need extra information, you'd need to write a function to change the annotation depending on the selected point.
Here is some code, using a random image to show how it would work:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import mplcursors
coords = np.array([[301,557],[301,378],[201,426],[77,58],[243,12],[466,87],[161,75],[302,489],[197,507],[157,400],[131,85],[379,253],[386,525],[215,500],[165,963],[210,381],[308,254],[285,378],[217,628],[77,500],[156,629],[527,67],[514,1010],[234,264],[523,717],[282,630],[523,799],[355,783],[379,474],[353,711],[351,473],[416,719],[232,249],[185,75],[451,409],[130,247],[384,509],[309,473],[202,937],[130,561],[340,549],[310,627],[348,256],[381,869],[258,555],[342,417],[204,393],[385,489],[523,483],[303,784],[448,476],[228,939],[229,559],[454,260],[158,939],[109,521],[158,248],[160,561],[425,319],[129,939],[526,263],[221,389],[236,754],[203,628],[335,492],[453,319],[160,313],[197,76],[420,410],[129,874],[279,250],[130,310],[206,472],[352,1017],[228,508],[117,555],[278,783],[306,937],[424,475],[157,874],[235,407],[78,552],[129,625],[128,781],[423,934],[349,316],[202,781],[378,935],[475,543],[204,547],[391,546],[424,253],[202,251],[170,549],[236,781],[132,471],[75,959],[128,407],[200,356],[309,716],[232,715],[422,629],[274,562],[201,563],[234,471],[149,89],[277,713],[290,12],[236,313],[161,720],[383,626],[350,867],[451,782],[379,783],[450,934],[166,467],[347,626],[450,559],[451,712],[418,875],[379,318],[156,1018],[306,871],[379,408],[278,471],[203,715],[161,782],[203,872],[277,936],[234,874],[348,933],[235,627],[420,561],[438,502],[204,314],[263,499],[279,317],[421,780],[453,627],[334,959],[174,496],[125,500],[131,542],[159,545],[352,499],[79,1012],[417,501],[501,128],[295,340],[215,543],[218,358],[168,1020],[112,504],[158,502]])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
img = np.random.rand(550, 1050)
ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plotted_points = ax.plot(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0], color='cyan', marker='o', linestyle='None', markersize=2)
mplcursors.cursor(plotted_points, hover=True)