
tournament winner python while loop

I made a function 'Match' which takes two country and return a winner according to my algorithm.

def Match(England, Brazil) ----> England, 
def Match(Mexico, France) ---> France  

I need to write function Winner which takes list of 2^n nations and run a tournament and find a winner.

def Winner([England, Brazil, Mexico, France]) ---> France 

England---Brazil,        Mexico---France  (Semifinal)

England---France (final)

France (winner) Return value

The length of nation list differs and I cannot make a winner choosing algorithm. The match-up is It would be great if the code uses while loop rather than for loop ^^.


  • Your tournament method should make matches between consecutive pairs of players, for ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"] it should be a/b, c/d, e/f and g/h

    You can achieve these with slicing and zip

    Keep the winner of each match, and call tournament recursivly with the next round of players which contains half of players

    def match(country_a, country_b):
        return random.choice([country_a, country_b])
    def tournament(countries):
        n = len(countries)
        if not ((n & (n - 1) == 0) and n != 0):
            raise Exception("Size isn't power of 2")
        if n == 2:
            return match(*countries)
        next_round = []
        for player1, player2 in zip(countries[::2], countries[1::2]):
            winner = match(player1, player2)
        return tournament(next_round)

    Using list-comprehension the for-loop and return can be replaced with

    return tournament([match(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in zip(countries[::2], countries[1::2])])

    Improvement full code

    After some time and discussion with the OP here's a major improvement of the full code with the major rules :