
Intelephense 1.4 and higher don't show hover menus or goto function declaration

I can't upgrade Intelephense higher than 1.3 because from 1.4 hover menus when I hover a function are gone, and also clicking a function won't take me to the declaration anymore.

As You can see, in version 1.3 when I hover a function I can see details about it. ver 1.3

And since version 1.4 Hovering does nothing:

ver 1.4

I've disable all other extensions to check if there is an extensions conflict, but it didn't help. I tried to remove the indexing and re-index, but it didn't help

Any Ideas?


  • Okay, answer found, thanks to Ben, the developer of Intelephense.

    I needed to set "intelephense.environment.shortOpenTag": true To enable support for short php tags i.e <? ?>

    I also needed to set included files directories for "intelephense.environment.includePaths"