
Golang not able to test in same package

Having issue creating unit test of one of my source file ( commonutil.go )

package util

import "github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid"

// GenerateUUID Returns generated UUID sequence
func GenerateUniqueID(hostname string) (string, error) {
    var result, err = uuid.NewV4()
    return hostname + ":" + result.String(), err

For the above source, I created the test file "commonutil_test.go" ( in the same package )

package util

import "testing" 
func TestCommonUtil(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("Test generate UUID", func(t *testing.T) {

    var uuid, _ = GenerateUniqueID ("test")
    //fmt.Printf("UUID isa %v \n", uuid)
    if uuid == "" {
        t.Errorf("UUID expected, but result is empty ")

However when trying executing "go test util/commonutil_test.go" it shows :

util\commonutil_test.go:8: undefined: GenerateUniqueID
FAIL command-line-arguments [build failed]

Changing to util.GenerateUniqueID in the test solve the problem, however when running coverage using Goconvey will cause build failure :

can't load package: import cycle not allowed package rudygunawan.com/MyProject/HFLC-Go/util imports rudygunawan.com/MyProject/HFLC-Go/util

Any idea to solve this issue? I am confused.

Go version is go1.7.1 windows/386


  • I've run into a similar problem, when I was trying to run a single test file.

    I wanted that, as it was a kind of test driven development thing, where I wanted to run tests only for the code I was working on at the moment, and not all the x-minutes running tests.

    The solution turned out to be not running tests from a file, but rather running a specific test by name (actually a regex). So in your case I guess it would be:

    go test ./util -run TestCommonUtil

    An alternative seems to be listing all the files needed to build your test code:

    go test util/commonutil_test.go util/commonutil.go