I'm trying to implement batch hard triplet loss, as seen in Section 3.2 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.06271.pdf.
I need to import my images so that each batch has exactly K instances of each ID in a particular batch. Therefore, each batch must be a multiple of K.
I have a directory of images too large to fit into memory and therefore I am using ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory()
to import the images, but I can't see any parameters for this function to allow the functionality I need.
How can I achieve this batch behaviour using Keras?
You can try merging several data streams together in a controlled manner.
Given you have K instances of tf.data.Dataset
(does not matter how you instantiate them) that are responsible for supplying training instances of particular IDs, you can concatenate them to get even distribution inside a mini-batch:
ds1 = ... # Training instances with ID == 1
ds2 = ... # Training instances with ID == 2
dsK = ... # Training instances with ID == K
train_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.zip((ds1, ds2, ..., dsK)).flat_map(concat_datasets).batch(batch_size=N * K)
where the concat_datasets
is the merge function:
def concat_datasets(*datasets):
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors(datasets[0])
for i in range(1, len(datasets)):
ds = ds.concatenate(tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors(datasets[i]))
return ds