
ngx-translate: How to translate dynamically array of strings

I want to create list of days of the week with ngx-translate, but it's not working with async pipe. I've got error "error TS2769: No overload matches this call." I have to use JSON file.


    MON:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.MON');
      TUE:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.TUE');
      WED:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.WED');
      THU:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.THU');
      FRI:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.FRI');
      SAT:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.SAT');
      SUN:Observable<string> = this.translate.get('CALENDAR.SUN');
      daysOfWeeks:string[] = [`${this.MON}`, `${this.TUE}`, `${this.WED}`, `${this.THU}`, `${this.FRI}`, `${this.SAT}`, `${this.SUN}`];

      public translate: TranslateService
    ) { }


 <div *ngFor="let day of daysOfWeeks">{{ day | async}}</div>

I also tried use pipe directly into ngFor but still doesn't work.


  • I'm going to share two ways of solving this problem.

    1- you can use translateService.instant

    instant(key: string|Array, interpolateParams?: Object): string|Object: Gets the instant translated value of a key (or an array of keys). /!\ This method is synchronous and the default file loader is asynchronous. You are responsible for knowing when your translations have been loaded and it is safe to use this method. If you are not sure then you should use the get method instead.

    like this

    //for single
        const traslateSingle :string =  this.translateService.instant("Monday"); // translated "Monday"
    //for list
        const transaletedList = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"].map(x=> this.translateService.instant(x)) // translated Week days

    But it has its own issues what if translation has not been loaded ? what if language selection has changed, now its ur responsibility to get updated translations

    2- use translate pipe in component.html

    const daysOfWeeks = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"]
     <div *ngFor="let day of daysOfWeeks">{{ day | translate}}</div>

    it take the responsibility and automatically translate text and detection language change and then translating again.

    so its kind a better solution for your problem.