Say I have many similar pdf files as the one from here:
I woudld like to extract the following table and save as excel file:
I'm able to do extract table and save excel file manually with package excalibur.
After installing Excalibur with pip3, I initialize the metadata database using:
$ excalibur initdb
And then start the webserver using:
$ excalibur webserver
Then go to http://localhost:5000 and start extracting tabular data from PDFs.
I wonder if it's possible to automatically do that with python script for multiple pdf files with packages such as excalibur-py, camelot, pdfminer, etc, since the size and position of table are fixed for same city's reports.
You may download other report files from this link.
Many thanks at advance.
Using Camelot, you can build a pipeline like this:
import camelot
for filepath in files_list:
tables=camelot.read_pdf(filepath, pages='1-end', table_regions=regions)
tables.export('tables.xls', f='excel')
table_regions parameter should be used when you know the approximate position of the table inside the page; if you know the exact position of the table, you should use table_areas.
You can read more about these parameters and other topics in the Camelot documentation.