Say I have some boost graph
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
struct Vertex {
double property_1;
int property_2;
using Graph_t = boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS,
Graph_t g(5);
and now want to iterate over the vertices in different orders, say:
How do I do this in the most efficient way?
As of now, I created std::vector
s with the properties, and vectors containing indices, and sorted them by the properties. But if you have many properties that creates a ton of structure that could be avoided.
I also looked at boost::multi_index
maps, as in this question, but that doesn't seem slim to me either.
How can I do this? Happy about any hint!
That's (obviously) not a feature of the library.
You can however use ranges or range adaptors, like you would in any other situation:
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm_ext.hpp>
#include <fmt/ranges.h>
#include <fmt/ostream.h>
#include <random>
struct Vertex {
double property_1;
int property_2;
static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Vertex const& v) {
return os << "V(" << v.property_1 << ", " << v.property_2 << ")";
using Graph_t =
boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS,
Vertex, boost::no_property>;
int main() {
using boost::make_iterator_range;
using namespace boost::adaptors;
Graph_t g(5);
int i = 0;
for (auto& v : make_iterator_range(vertices(g))) {
g[v] = {i / -.3, i * 11};
auto get_bundle = [&g](auto v) -> auto& { return g[v]; };
fmt::print("Natural order: {}\n",
fmt::print("Natural order: {}\n",
make_iterator_range(vertices(g) | transformed(get_bundle)));
"Reverse natural order: {}\n",
make_iterator_range(vertices(g) | transformed(get_bundle) | reversed));
auto make_view = [=](auto range) {
return std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Vertex>>(
begin(range), end(range));
auto view =
make_view(make_iterator_range(vertices(g) | transformed(get_bundle)));
fmt::print("view: {}\n", view);
fmt::print("reversed: {}\n", view);
auto less_by = [](auto member) {
return [=, prj = std::mem_fn(member)](auto const& a, auto const& b) {
return prj(a) < prj(b);
boost::sort(view, less_by(&Vertex::property_1));
fmt::print("less_by property_1: {}\n", view);
boost::sort(view, less_by(&Vertex::property_2));
fmt::print("less_by property_2: {}\n", view);
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 randgen{rd()};
std::shuffle(view.begin(), view.end(), randgen);
fmt::print("random order: {}\n", view);
// just a loop is also fine, of course
i = 0;
for (Vertex& bundle : view) {
bundle.property_2 = i++;
fmt::print("modified: {}\n", view);
Natural order: {0x1467eb0, 0x1467f10, 0x1467f70, 0x1467fd0, 0x1468030}
Natural order: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
Reverse natural order: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
view: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
reversed: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
less_by property_1: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
less_by property_2: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
random order: {V(-13.3333, 44), V(-3.33333, 11), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-16.6667, 55)}
modified: {V(-13.3333, 0), V(-3.33333, 1), V(-10, 2), V(-6.66667, 3), V(-16.6667, 4)}
std::ranges could give you most of these but in my experience has a few more limitations. However, it will be generally safer (because Boost Range V2 is quite old).
to have "living indexes" (like a database) make your vertex container selector select a Multi Index Container. See e.g. the advice here
to model your own graph datastructure, see e.g. here for inspiration
In response to the comments, you could use Boost PFR to generate a array with comparators simple types statically:
template <typename T, typename Op = std::less<> >
constexpr static inline auto make_field_comparers(Op op = {}) {
namespace pfr = boost::pfr;
auto constexpr N = pfr::tuple_size<T>::value;
using A = std::array<std::function<bool(T const&, T const&)>, N>;
auto lift = [op](auto prj) {
return [=](T const& a, T const& b) { return op(prj(a), prj(b)); };
return [lift]<size_t... I>(std::index_sequence<I...>){
return A{lift([](T const& v) { return pfr::get<I>(v); })...};
Which you could use like Live On Compiler Explorer
std::vector orderings {
std::pair { "asc", make_field_comparers<Vertex>() },
std::pair { "desc", make_field_comparers<Vertex>(std::greater<>{}) },
for (auto const& [dir, fields] : orderings) {
for (size_t field = 0; field < fields.size(); ++field) {
boost::sort(view, fields[field]);
fmt::print("by field #{} {}: {}\n", field, dir, view);
by field #0 asc: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}
by field #1 asc: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
by field #0 desc: {V(-3.33333, 11), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-10, 33), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-16.6667, 55)}
by field #1 desc: {V(-16.6667, 55), V(-13.3333, 44), V(-10, 33), V(-6.66667, 22), V(-3.33333, 11)}