
LogStash - Local DNS lookup

Im new with LogStash and I cant figure out some simple questions.

I need to add a DNS info taken from a local DNS server to manage lockup for internal IP.

My local DNS server has an IP, for example

I need to read the source.ip and destination.ip and add new information with DNS data.

The official DOC says:

filter {
      dns {
        reverse => [ "source_host", "field_with_address" ]
        resolve => [ "field_with_fqdn" ]
        action => "replace"

But Its not clear where I have to put my data.

I want an output like:

"source" => 
  "address" : "",
  "dns_info" : "Desktop123"


  • Unfortunately, the DNS filter tries to resolve the address or name in place instead of adding a field... so you need to jump through hoops. Assuming you have a doc with an source.ip field...

    filter {
      mutate {
        copy => { "[source][ip]" => "[source][fqdn]" }
      dns {
        reverse => "[source][fqdn]"
        action => "replace"
        add_field => { "[@metadata][dns_source]" => "success" }
      if ![@metadata][dns_source] {
        mutate { remove_field => "[source][fqdn]" }

    It's ugly, but I don't know of a better way to do this given there is no target setting for the DNS filter plugin.

    I think this answers the crux of your question; other things, like specifying a nameserver or setting cache times, are well covered in the official docs.