Referring to this Question, Now I want to remove dinner
from Random Name 2
, how can I do that:
Here's what i tried:
din_val = data[0]
condition = {
"username" : session['user']["username"],
f"likings.{din_val}" : {
"$exists" : True
update_value = {
"$pull" : {
f"likings.$" : din_val
response = mongo.db.appname.update(condition, update_value)
But the error I am receiving is
pymongo.errors.WriteError: Cannot apply $pull to a non-array value, full error: {'index': 0, 'code': 2, 'errmsg': 'Cannot apply $pull to a non-array value'}
Demo -
{ "name": "Random Name 2" },
{ $pull: { "likings": { dinner: { $exists: true } } }