
How can I query embedded records in a Djongo ArrayField?

I'm using Django 3.0.6 with Django Rest Framework 3.11.1. I'm connecting to a MongoDB database using the djongo connector. One of my models has an ArrayField that contains embedded records. I would like to know how I can retrieve these embedded fields using a django query.

Each Person can have many different sub records. Here is a sample model to illustrate what I'm working on


from djongo import models

class SubRecords(models.Model):
    status = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    startTime = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    identifier = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    job_title = models.CharField(max_length=20)

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Person(models.Model):
    _id = ObjectIdField()
    workplace = models.CharField(max_length=120)
    subject = models.CharField(max_length=120)
    records = models.ArrayField(model_container=SubRecords)

I would like to query the Person model and get

  1. all Person.records objects and
  2. Person.records objects that match some criteria

I have tried to do this

>>> Person.objects.filter(records__exact={'job_title': 'HR'})

Now the problem I'm facing is that the result isn't limited to subrecords where the job title is HR, instead if a Person object contains a sub record that matches the criteria, the whole Person object and associated sub records are returned. I want to be able to get a list of all the subrecords and only the subrecords that match the criteria I specify. How can I do this?


  • You don't need __exact:
