Lets say I have class
class MyCollectionEntity {
private List<String> sampleField;
Here morphia is able to save the json documents where the sampleField key has value like
"sample_field":["field1", "field2"]
But I need this entity to map the values which are not in list and just a string too like
"sample_field": "field1"
in the same sampleField class as List. How can I achieve this when the key may take value as an array of objects as well as sometimes just the object ?
This will be similar to the feature provided in Jackson DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY
I am using org.mongodb.morphia v1.3.2
Morphia does not support that kind of serialization. 1.3.2 is super old so i'm trying to remember the details. I think it can read such values (but that's not a promise) but will write out a List
as an array in the documents.