
How do I Render R-Presentation (ioslide) Like this on RStudio?

Show me how to render R-Presentation like this. I saw many examples as I read to learn how to make R-Presentation but each time I run them like normal R code on RStudio they refuse to render, though if I ctr + v it shows only the cover page. Like this my MWE that I know it is not a single slide presentation but all I get is this

title: "Habits"
author: John Doe
date: March 22, 2005
output: ioslides_presentation

# In the morning

## Getting up

- Turn off alarm
- Get out of bed

## Breakfast

- Eat eggs
- Drink coffee

# In the evening

## Dinner

- Eat spaghetti
- Drink wine


```{r, cars, fig.cap="A scatterplot.", echo=FALSE}

## Going to sleep

- Get in bed
- Count sheep

Please show me the keyboard shortcut to render R-Presentation like this on RStudio or bottom to click on the RStudio itself.



  • This requires a .Rpres file type NOT .Rmd(Rmarkdown).

    1. open a new text file in Rstudio

    2. Save as file.Rpres

    3. Use the appropriate syntax So RStudio know how to render your presentation

      In the morning
      - Cereal

    When you save the file with the code, Rstudio will have a preview button where the usual knit button is. when you click preview Rstudio will render the file appropriately.

    enter image description here I used this link for research