
PyWinAuto select File -> Open from Tableau Desktop

I'm trying to automate a few steps in a process we have. There are 2 steps that I need to interact with tableau, I just want to press these buttons.

I follow the Notepad example that the pywinauto docs provide, but when I try to select a sub menu option, it keep failing.

dlg.menu_select('File') works

dlg.menu_select('File -> Open') doesn't work

dlg.menu_select('File -> Open...') doesn't work

TimeoutError: timed out

# Using .Server because .File gives me pdf info. Still a menu item.

Control Identifiers:

Static - 'To a Server' (L165, T685, R403, B711) ['To a ServerStatic', 'Static', 'To a Server'] child_window(title="To a Server", control_type="Text")


  • I couldn't find the file menu items either so I ended up using control characters.

    import time
    from pywinauto.application import Application
    from pywinauto.keyboard import send_keys
    from pywinauto.controls.menuwrapper import Menu, MenuItemInfo
    from pywinauto import mouse
    import win32api
    send_keys('^o') # open file
    send_keys('C:\\Users\\xxx\\Pareto.twbx', with_spaces = True)  # absolute file name
    send_keys('{VK_RETURN}')  # accept file
    updatedata = dlg.TableauPareto.child_window(title="Data Alt+D", control_type="MenuItem").wrapper_object()
    updatedata.click_input() # open menu
    x, y = win32api.GetCursorPos()  # find cursor position'left', coords=(x+ 30, y+85)) # click on refresh data
    send_keys('{VK_RETURN}') # refresh data
    time.sleep(10) # wait for refresh
    send_keys('{VK_RETURN}') # end
    send_keys('^s')  # save file
    app.kill(soft=False) # quit