I have display:none
element, that contains required
inputs. When I submit form it must focus on required fields, but as they are not displayed Im not able to do it. What I want is to make this element display:block
and then focus on the input when there validation error ocured.
This is how my code looks like:
<div style="display: none">
<input required></input>
<button type="submit">
You can achieve this by first calling checkValidity()
of the Form.
If that reports that the Form is not valid, then gather the invalid elements using .querySelectorAll(':invalid')
and then reveal those elements - or in this case, their parent divs.
function submitClick() {
var theForm = document.getElementById('myForm');
if (theForm.checkValidity()) {
console.log("All elements are valid");
return true; // Allow submit to proceed
var invalidItems = theForm.querySelectorAll(':invalid');
for (var item of invalidItems) {
console.log("Element " + item.name + " is not valid");
item.parentNode.setAttribute("style", "display: block;")
return false; // Do not allow submit to proceed
<form id="myForm" onsubmit="alert('Form will be submitted')">
<div style="display: none">
Required field 1 (empty)<input name="v1" required value="" />
<div style="display: none">
Required field 2 (Hello)<input name="v2" required value="Hello" />
<button type="submit" onclick="return submitClick();">Submit form</button>