I'm deploying redis-commander in Kubernetes. I'm creating a configuration connection file for Redis-Commander. I have a command in my bash script to get the required parameters for the connection file as per the link. Managed to connect locally between redis-commander and 1 redis server via sentinel just fine but have many more in non-prod so I need to configure the command below to get desired json output.
This command
kubectl get svc --selector='app.kubernetes.io/component=sentinel' --all-namespaces -o json |
jq -r '
| {label:"my-label",
sentinels: [{host: (.metadata.name + "."
+ .metadata.namespace + "."
+ "svc" + "."
+ "cluster" + "."
+ "local"),port: .spec.ports[0].port}],
dbIndex: 0
| {connections: [.]}'
has an output similar to this (I've changed the name part):
"connections": [
"label": "my-label",
"sentinels": [
"host": "name1.development.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26379
"sentinelName": "mymaster",
"dbIndex": 0
"connections": [
"label": "my-label",
"sentinels": [
"host": "name2.development.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26379
"sentinelName": "mymaster",
"dbIndex": 0
"connections": [
"label": "my-label",
"sentinels": [
"host": "name3.staging.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26379
"sentinelName": "mymaster",
"dbIndex": 0
The output I'm trying to achieve is this:
"connections": [
"label": "my-label",
"sentinels": [
"host": "name1.development.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26379
"host": "name2.development.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26379
"host": "name3.staging.svc.cluster.local",
"port": 26379
"sentinelName": "mymaster",
"dbIndex": 0
Not used jq many times so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Using map
with .items is probably a better way to go, along the lines of:
| {
label: "my-label",
sentinels: map(
{ host: (.metadata.name + "."
+ .metadata.namespace + "."
+ "svc" + "."
+ "cluster" + "."
+ "local"),
port: .spec.ports[0].port
} ),
sentinelName: "mymaster",
dbIndex: 0
| {connections: [.] }