
How to open an URL in a browser using VBA?

Trying to open a PDF(-website) with a referer which can only be opened with a link-click on the parents page.

By Using

.setRequestHeader "referer", "https://...“ 

the access works, but I need to open the page in a browser to view the pdf.

Found this:


Syntax: object.Navigate2(URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers)

(PostData [in, optional] Headers [in, optional])

and tried

 Dim IE As InternetExplorer  
 Set IE = New InternetExplorer 
   With IE

No results! Does anyone have a solution? (Just VBA please! Thx)


  • I believe you provided the wrong Referer URL (and wrong format too, you need to also include Referer: in addition to the Referer URL) to the Headers parameter, try this:

    Private Sub Test()
        Dim oIE As InternetExplorer
        Set oIE = New InternetExplorer
        With oIE
            .Visible = True
            .navigate "https://www.zvg-portal.de/index.php?button=showAnhang&land_abk=ni&file_id=16396&zvg_id=6467", _
                        headers:="Referer: https://www.zvg-portal.de/index.php?button=showZvg&zvg_id=6467&land_abk=sh"
        End With
        Set oIE = Nothing
    End Sub