
SOAP WSS4JInInterceptor Security processing failed (actions mismatch)

I have been struggling, for several days trying to get a simple SOAP request to pass WS-Security, after many emails I was finally able to get some logs out of the service provider...

Note that the webservice is SOAP 1.2

2021-04-11 23:49:24,052:INFO :ajp-nio- org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.interceptor.Soap12FaultOutInterceptor$Soap12FaultOutInterceptorInternalapplication/soap+xml
2021-04-11 23:49:47,867:WARN :ajp-nio- processing failed (actions mismatch)
2021-04-11 23:49:47,867:WARN :ajp-nio- for {http://[redacted]/rti/cdd/wsdl}CDDService has thrown exception, unwinding now

Sadly this hasn't helped much as in searching for this error it appears to be quite ambiguous, one of which mentioning a bug in the WSS4JInInterceptor where whitespace between the body open tag, and the first node can cause this, however even in removing that whitespace, I still receive the same error.

Here is the XML I'm sending (using Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=utf-8;action="mySoapAction" header), the service provider has confirmed they are receiving the XML body in full:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:sch="http://[redacted]/rti/cdd/schema" xmlns:soapenv="">
        <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
            <wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="UsernameToken-1618447264">
                <wsse:Password Type="">[redacted]</wsse:Password>
        <sch:cddRequest clientID="1213" clientCandidateId="3">
            <lastUpdate>2021/04/15 00:47:44 BST</lastUpdate>
                <city>Gold Coast</city>
                <candidatePref prefType="ConfirmationPreference">
                <candidatePref prefType="ReminderPreference">
                <candidatePref prefType="LocalePreference">

Any help greatly appreciated.


  • You tagged the question WSS4J but by any chance have you written the security header by hand? Because all your namespaces are wrong:

    wsse =
    wsu =
    Type attribute =

    Pay attention to the dashes (-).

    Correct namespaces are:

    wsse =
    wsu =        
    Type attribute =