I want to install both flutter v1.22.6 and v2.0.5 on my mac.
currently I have v1.22.6 set up on my mac and have path for it set aswell.
I want a setup where if I enter the command flutter doctor that corresponds to v1.22.6 and when I enter the command flutter2 doctor that corresponds to v2.0.5
I am new to the terminal can someone please help? as of now flutter doctor corresponds to v1.22.6 only. I tried setting a path for flutter2 but that shows as no command found
You need to create alias
Navigate to your home directory:
cd ~
Open up .bash_profile using vi:
vi .bash_profile
vim .bash_profile
Add an alias (press i):
alias flutter2="~/place_of_folder/flutter2/bin/flutter"
Save the file (press Escape, type :wq, and hit Enter)
Restart Terminal