
Delete nodes of a word if they are not being used by another word in the Trie structure

When deleting a word from a trie, I'm trying to delete the nodes of that word if they are not being used for another word.

So I don't want to just mark a node when a word is deleted. Unused nodes should really be removed.

If the word can't be found in the trie, I want the delete method to return False and if the deletion works it should return True.

This is my Trie class:

class Trie(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.children = {}
        self.end = "#"

    def append_word(self, word: str):
        node = self.children
        for c in word:
            node = node.setdefault(c, {})
        node[self.end] = self.end

Here's the delete method I tried to implement based on research:

    def delete(self, word):
        node = self
        parent = self
        for char in word:
            if char in node.children:
                parent = node
                node = node.children[char]
                return False
        if not node.children:
            del parent.children[char]
            del node
            return True
            node.end = "#"
            return True

What am I missing here?

I am calling the function like this, from an instance of the trie from another class:



  • The issues with your attempt are related with these two points:

    Here is the corrected implementation:

    def delete(self, word):
        node = self.children
        stack = []
        for char in word:
            if char not in node:  # Word is not in the Trie
                return False
            stack.append(node)  # Collect as ancestor
            node = node[char]
        if self.end not in node:  # End-of-word marker is missing, so word is not in Trie
            return False
        del node[self.end]   # Remove end-of-word marker
        for char in reversed(word):  # Backtrack in reversed order
            if len(node):  # Still in use for another word?
            node = stack.pop()
            del node[char]
        return True