
Add/Remove editors in Google sites using Google Apps Script

I am writing a google apps script to process bulk add/remove editors for some new Google Sites. I am aware that google apps script currently doesn't support new google sites so I am trying to use DriveApp to manage the editors. However the script doesn't work and returns the following:

Exception: Service error: Drive

whenever file.addEditor() or file.removeEditor() is used. I guess this just doesn't work for new Google Sites. Are there other workarounds?


  • Make sure you're using the correct FileId with Sites as it's not quite as simple to acquire compared to other file types on Google Drive. When you're editing a Site page, the FileId can be found in the URL between /d/ and /p/.

    Example: this the file id ?????/p/!!!! not here !!!!/edit

    I just successfully ran the below code to add/remove editors of a new Google Site.

    const zFile= DriveApp.getFileById("????? this the file id ?????");
    function addEditor(){
    function removeEditor(){