I am working on an App Clip on an existing App but the App Clip is not ready to ship. However, I need to deploy the App to TestFlight/AppStore for a bug fix.
What is the best way to exclude the App Clip from the App in the interim without removing the App Clip target and code in the XCode project? I just want to build an App IPA without the App Clip so I can submit to TestFlight/AppStore without removing the App Clip target/code from the project.
Looking at the Build Phases of the project, I figured I need to first remove the App Clip as a Dependency from the App's target. Then there is the "Embed App Clips" Build Phase. I cannot just remove the AppClip in the Embed App Clips build phase - Archive will create an empty AppClips folder in the App IPA. I have to remove the Embed App Clips from the Build Phases, however if I remove it, there is no obvious way of adding it back, at least I don't see it.
Currently my only option is to write a Archive Post-action Run Script to remove it from the Archive.
Has anyone ran into this situation before and would appreciate any help.
New Copy Files Phase
Destination -> App Clips
button, select YourClip.app
fileEmbed App Clips