I stuck with one formula in my code. Changed it many times in different ways but all the time my teacher say that it is not correct. I gave up and have no idea what else I can do. I think I just don't understand the formula correctly that's why I do it wrong. Could you please help me to find the solution. Thank you!
It is a very simple bisection method where I have to solve the equation. Besides this I have to find the Parameter of convergence (I am not sure if I use the right term for this. The task is in Russian) using the formula α = |Xn+1 - Xn| / |Xn - Xn-1|, where n - Order of convergence (again here I am not sure if this is correct term. I used Google translator).
Please take a look at the end of the code where I calculate this value and give me please an advise what do I do wrong? I use the root ξ as an Xn, a and b as Xn-1 and Xn+1 accordingly. Teacher's comment was "The convergence parameter is still incorrect. With this approach will always be obtained 1. As I wrote, use the formula from the task".
double f(double x); //Function
int res(int i, double a, double b, double ξ, double ε1, double ε2); //Print result
double Bisection(double a, double b, double ε1, double ε2); //Bisection method
int main()
double a=-10, b=0, ξ, h=0.5, α, x1, x2, ε1, ε2;
int i=0;
printf("\nf(x) = 2^x - 2 * cos(x)");
printf("\nStart of the interval a = %.0lf", a);
printf("\nEnd of the interval b = %.0lf", b);
printf("\nEnter error ε1 for function = ");
scanf("%lf", &ε1);
printf("Enter error ε2 for argument = ");
scanf("%lf", &ε2);
//selection of roots
while (x2<=b)
if ((f(x1)*f(x2))<0)
printf("\n\n%d) %d root of the function is in the interval [%.1f, %.1f]\n",i, i, x1, x2);
printf("\nn\t a\t\t b\t\t ξ\t f(ξ)\t ε1\t\t ε2\n");
Bisection(x1,x2,ε1,ε2); //Bisection method
return 0;
double f(double x)
double y;
return y;
//Print result
int res(int i, double a, double b, double ξ, double ε1, double ε2)
printf("%d\t%10.7f %10.7f %10.7f %10.7f %e %e\n", i, a, b, ξ, f(ξ), ε1, ε2);
return 0;
//Bisection method
double Bisection(double a, double b, double ε1, double ε2)
double ξ=(a+b)/2; //Middle of the interval
double α;
int i=0;
if (f(ξ)==0)
printf("Root: %f \n\n", ξ);
while ((fabs(f(ξ))>ε1) && ((fabs(b-a)/2)>ε2)) //The accuracy of the definition of the root
if ((f(a)*f(ξ))<0)
res(i+1, a, b, ξ, ε1, ε2); //Print results
α = fabs(ξ-b)/fabs(ξ-a); //Parameter of convergence
printf("\nParameter of convergence: α=%.1f\n", α);
printf("Root ξ=%.7f found after %d iterations\n", ξ, i);
printf("Function f(ξ)=%.10f found after %d iterations\n", f(ξ), i);
return 0;
To my understanding
the formula α = |Xn+1 - Xn| / |Xn - Xn-1|
Refers to the calculated roots (X) at every iteration (n), so that in the first iteration
|Xn - Xn-1| = fabs(b - a)
|Xn+1 - Xn| = fabs(ξ - a) = fabs(b - ξ)
= fabs(b - a) / 2 given that ξ=(a+b)/2 (ignoring numerical errors)
At every successive iteration of the bisection method the range [a, b] is halved, meaning that α will always be 1/2.
Due to the limited precision and range of floating-point types, the expression ξ=(a+b)/2 (or ξ = a + (b - a)/2) will eventually generate a value numerically equivalent to one of the extremes, resulting in α = 0.